In Other Vermont Transportation News...

Delayed Rail
With cut backs in funding improvements to the state's rail system will see more delays . [Source: Rutland Herald]

Bernie Attacks Bush
Vermont's Independent Senator, Bernie Sanders, attacked Bush's plan to reduce the use of fossil fuels while addressing Global Warming saying it is 7 years late and not nearly strong enough. [Source: WCAX]

Bike Safely
There are over 750 bicyclist deaths in the U.S. each year, 96% of them involve crashes with motor vehicles. As a result the Vermont Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition teaches lessons in road safety. [Source: Times Argus]

Telecommunication Awards
Vermont Telecommunications Authority releases its 2008 grant winners... [Source: Burlington Free Press]

Food & Fuel
How food and fuel impact our environment... [Source: Times Argus]

Bellows Falls Transit Center
New Transit Center to be built in Bellows Falls says Connecticut River Transit . [Source: Rutland Herald]

$1 Million for the TRC
UVM Transportation Research Center awarded a million dollars from the Department of Transportation. [Source: Burlington Free Press]

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