A Glimpse into Transportation at Large...

Going Green
Engineers and designers in several industries including the auto industry will go green piece by piece. [Source: The Detroit News]

55 Years of Oil
Shell Oil Company says it has enough oil to maintain production at current levels for the next 55 years. [Source: Financial Times]

Gas Consumed
Vermonter's consumed 10 gallons of gasoline per person per week in 2006 - where do other states stand and where are we heading? [Source: Oakland Tribune]

Venezuela says...
Food for Fuel is criminal. [Source: Bloomberg]

Railroads are Full Steam Ahead
Rail is on the rise. [Source: Washington Post]

Suspend the Gas Tax?
Clinton and McCain see eye to eye on suspending the federal gas tax this summer. Obama, however, firmly opposes this proposal. What do you think? [Source: New York Times]

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