A Glimpse into Transportation at Large...

There are 31 E85 stations in 11 northeastern states. Compare to Iowa alone which has 90. How many do other states have? [Ethanol Producer]

Hong Kong is likely to implement to ban engine idling within a year, at the risk of a HK$320 (US $41) fine. [The Standard]

Iowa Senator asks President to limit federal vehicle idling

New York state woman walks car-to-car at her neighborhood train station encouraging waiting drivers to turn off their engines. [The Journal News]

Crude prices
Experts discuss reasons behind swings in crude oil prices. [Yahoo! News]

Germany's largest automoakers Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW want to launch electric cars. [Agence France-Presse]

A Florida man successfully converts his pickup to run on electricity. [News Chief]

BMW has a demonstration fleet of hydrogen passenger vehicles running in New York City. [NY Times]

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