A Glimpse into Transportation at Large...

Bumpy Road Ahead
Some say oil prices could hit $150 a barrel by early July. [Source: Google Associated Press]

Gas Guzzling States
Montana leads the nation in gasoline consumption per capita. [Source: Great Falls Tribune]

Bye Bye
A possible goodbye to the Hummer as GM announces plans to focus on smaller vehicles. Ford to downsize production of F150 as well. [Sources:Wall Street Journal & Yahoo News]

Beer and Biodiesel
Anheuser-Busch, the EPA, and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) are getting together to green a part of the company's fleet. [Source: 7th Space]

No Longer Waste
Waste veggie oil, an alternative, but not enough to go around. [Source: New York Times]

Leaving the Car Behind
People in the nation's car capital are changing the way they live because of rising fuel prices. [Source: Freep]

Change the Roads
How changing the infrastructure of U.S. roads could help save on gas... [Source: NPR]

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