4 Day Week 3 Day Weekend
Why commute five days a week when you could only commute four? Vermont state senator Vince Illuzzi, R-Essex/Orleans has proposed state offices and schools add an extra day to the weekend to help save on fuel prices. As heating and transportation fuels increase Vermonters are spending more and more money. Consequently, if state offices and schools only had to be heated 4 days a week, and if those who are forced to commute long distances in our rural state could take an extra day off a significant amount of money and fuel could be saved. The idea has not been completely written off, but there would be some obstacles to overcome including meeting the required number of school days. The cities of Birmingham, Ala. and Avondale, Ariz. are among an increasing number of places that have decided to implement the 4 day work week. [Source: Burlington Free Press]
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I have for years pointed out the benefits of the “Beatle Calendar”—an eight day work week where half the employees/students go to work/school for 4 “A” days (6-8 hours) then the other half work 4 “B” days; each group have a 4 day “weekend”. Managers/teachers would work a “straddle” week (two A’s & two B’s). In this manner students get their 175 days, buildings get used 350-365 days/year (depending on whether holidays are provided), half the building space/equipment is necessary along with half the cost, every job has built in substitutes because every job is shared by at least one other person, gov/business is open 350-365 days/yr at the same or less cost as being open 260 days/yr (52 weeks times 5 days).
In exchange for employees working 60 less days per year (360/2=180 vs 50 wks x 5 – 10 holidays=240), employees would give up holidays (probably keep 5), sick days, and vacation days so they would only be paid for days actually worked (they could make up lost sick days by substituting for other sick workers, and have MSAs for long-term illnesses). However they would NOT reduce their current annual salary, thus get paid more per hour in exchange. Businesses would save by not having to pay for any leave time or over time (no weekend work), for reduced building space and utility needs or increased capacity for expansion w/o cost. Even traffic and parking congestion would be minimized with fewer commuters/shoppers on any given day!
It would probably be necessary to make it against the law to work more than 6 of the 8 days per week AS AN EMPLOYEE (there would be no such stipulation about working for yourself on your time off). By allowing employees more time off they will be able to become more self sufficient (garden, fix the car, watch their own kids, etc). By allowing students more time off they could become involved in work learn activities (sharing full time positions in the community, baby sit younger children, etc).
The only problem would be church goers, who could always work out a schedule to either work later in the day or swap days with someone who doesn’t mind working on Sunday.
State government as the largest employer in Vermont could get this ball rolling, and businesses I think would very happily join in. Until all employers have embraced this system there may be some scheduling problems within families but nothing like the headaches a family with two working parents have now, or would have with a 10 hour day work week!
The only problem would be church goers, who could always work out a schedule to either work later in the day or swap days with someone who doesn’t mind working on Sunday.
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