Ingenuity & Excitement in Detroit

Detroit may have something new up its sleeve as the excitement at the recent car show has not been quite so high since the SUV was introduced. Companies are now sporting their "green" side boasting energy efficiency. Toyota and General Motors have both announced they will have a plug-in-electric-hybrid (PHEV) in production by 2010. Furthermore, electric vehicles may not be all that far off as the Chevy Volt also looks promising. Innovation in "green" technology is the new name of the game and companies like Johnson Controls are putting their ingenuity to the test looking at new ideas for the crossover-utility-vehicle (CUV) as well as PHEVs - how they may combine luxury, reality and sustainability into the perfect vehicle for the future. Nevertheless, 96% of American cars and trucks still rely on petroleum, demanding 120 billion gallons of it each year. [Sources: CNN, Business Spectator, & CNN Money]

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